To trust anyone with your dog is to trust someone with a child. We here at Five Pups love dogs and love what we do. We do not just keep your dog in a crate or kennel when they come here. We plan for activities and make homemade treats for our guests. We always put your dog's safety and needs as our number one priority.
Be a Pack Member
Socialized dogs have better coping skills. A broad range of positive experiences will help your puppy grow up to be a well-rounded, stable dog. Lack of socialization can lead to a dog that is afraid of people, new experiences and new places.
daycare Packages
Why daycare?
Daycare because you care.
Daycare is also a way to keep your dogs healthy and social. Active and social dogs tend to display a more outgoing and extrovert attitude.
Boarding Packages
We know you’d take them anywhere if you could. But sometimes it’s just not possible. Board your buddy with us and we guarantee a great time